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Brand: Vitapol

Vitapol Economic Food For Hamsters

Vitapol Economic Food For Hamsters

Regular price ₹214.00
Regular price ₹230.00 Sale price ₹214.00
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Product Description

Economic hamster food is a basic mix of cereal and other seeds, which are food source for them in the wild. Grain provides proteins necessary for proper growth and functioning of hamster's organism. Wheat flakes support peristalsis, due to high fiber they contain. Flavor of the food is enriched by carob, which has scent and flavor similar to chocolate, but does not contain caffeine, theobromine or oxalic acid, which blocks absorption of calcium and is toxic to rodents. Tannins in the food stops bacterial growth in the digestive system. Roasted peanuts are delicacies for hamsters, and despite high fat content, a little portion of them in the ration has positive influence on cell development, heart rate and blood production. Carrot dices have a lot of vitamins and microelements, and most precious ingredient, beta-carotene, that is provitamin A. It is essential for proper functioning of the organism - it repels bacteria and viruses, enhances seeing, and is a strong antioxidant, protecting the organism from free radicals. Peas is a valuable high protein source, supplying with amino acids, which hamster cannot produce itself. Moreover, raisins are fit and easily digestible source of fiber, iron and potassium. Flax seeds take care of healthy skin and shiny coat.

Key Features :

  • Enriched with a valuable source of fiber which is high quality pellets with hay
  • Contains fruits and vegetables rich in anthocyanins, vitamins & minerals help strengthen health & increases palatability
  • Maintains ideal weight of hamsters
  • Contains extra natural fiber for better intestinal peristalsis

The way of feeding

Recommended daily ration 7-15 g depending on the weight and age of animal.


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