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The True Tomato Ketchup 220 gm

The True Tomato Ketchup 220 gm

Regular price ₹189.00
Regular price ₹299.00 Sale price ₹189.00
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Product Description

Highlights: Ketchup with No refined sugar

Why are we different from other Tomato Ketchups?

? 100% tomatoes, No Paste (1500gm Tomato in 1000ml Ketchup)

? Fresh Onion, Garlic, Ginger, no powders

? No chemicals, thickeners, corn syrups, or artificial preservatives (no sodium benzoate) , no hidden ingredients

? Himalayan Pink salt and Desi Khand in limited quantities

? Fresh Spices: Cardamom, Cumin, Cinnamon, etc.

? Made to order for ultimate freshness

? Safe for kids

?Tastes Awesome

????? Simple and Transparent Ingredients: Ketchup with No refined sugar

We believe in transparency. Every ingredient is listed, and we avoid hidden spices or any undisclosed components.

Tomato, Desi Khand, Natural Vinegar, Long Red Bell Pepper, Onion, Garlic, Ginger, Himalayan Pink Salt, Black Salt, pinch of Kashmiri Chilli, Cumin Seeds, Cinnamon , Cardamom, Cloves, Black Peppercorns


???? High Nutrition: Tomatoes contain the powerful antioxidant Lycopene. Each serving provides your daily recommended requirement, supporting your health.

???? Immunity Booster: Our blend of spices  like Cumin Seeds,Cinnamon ,Cardamom, Cloves, Black Peppercorns enhances overall immunity while adding a rich taste to the ketchup.

???? Desi Khand instead of Refined Sugar: We sweeten with Desi Khand, offering a high GI that enhances taste while prioritizing your well-being.

???? Himalayan Pink Salt: Used in limited quantities, it contains 84 more minerals than table salt

???? Natural Colors: The vibrant color comes from tomatoes and red long fresh chili—no artificial colors. You may notice Variations in color which signify the pureness of our product.

???? Shelf Life and Preservation: No artificial preservatives like sodium benzoate. Our natural sugarcane vinegar acts as a preservative. Vacuum-sealed bottles ensure freshness, and once opened, refrigerate for 1-2 months.

???? Made to Order: Each batch is made to order for ultimate freshness, ensuring a burst of flavor in every drop.

???? Environmentally Friendly: We use glass jars and metal lids for packaging, ensuring safety  from a health perspective and contributing to environmental sustainability.

???? Our Pledge: Ketchup with No Refined sugar

Crafting this ketchup fills us with pride. It's for those who enjoy this condiment, or whose families do, yet harbor health concerns. We adhere to stringent standards for fruit quality, hygiene, process, and packaging. Our ketchup is meticulously crafted in small utensils to maintain the highest standards of hygiene. Every step, from design to manufacturing and packaging, involves the finest ingredients, skilled craftsmanship, and dedicated care. Your satisfaction is our priority. If you ever have concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at

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